Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 424
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Ahn, B., & Cucca, R. (2024). The ‘European City’ at the Crossroads: Four Analytical Elements for Understanding Convergence and Differentiation. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115(2), 267-280.
Caglar, A. (Ed.), Dona, G. (Ed.), Novak, P., & Jha, M. K. (Ed.) (2024). A Special Issue on Digitised Migration: Entangled and Uneven Landscapes.. Manuscript in preparation.
Caglar, A. (2024). City Scales. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Caglar, A. (2024). "Histories" and "voices" of the disposessed in a disempowered city: The cunning power of neoliberal city-making.. Manuscript in preparation In D. Kalb, & S. Narotzky (Eds.), Vision and Method in Anthropology: Forty Years of Eric Wolf's "Europe and the People Without History".
Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Accepted/In press). Introduction: Global Warring, Displacement and Accumulation. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology
Franz, Y. (Interviewee), & Krellenberg, K. (Interviewee). (2024). Ist Wien klimafit? Climate Walk zur Nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung. Web publication
Caglar, A. (2024). Landscapes of (im)mobility, Labor and Social Reproduction: Regimes of Accumulation, Reproduction and Migration. Special Issue. . Manuscript in preparation.
Caglar, A., & Ramsauer, M. (Accepted/In press). Making the Convert Speak: the Production of truth and the "Apparatus of Conversion". In E. Öztürk, & L. Rose (Eds.), Asylum and Conversion to Christianity in Europe: Interdsiciplinary Approaches. Bloomsbury.
Franz, Y., & Krellenberg, K. (2024). Reif für die Hitzeinsel? Rudolphina : Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Wien.
Caglar, A., & Glick schiller, N. (2024). Relational Multiscalar Analysis: A Comparative Approach to Migrants within City-Making processes. In H. Felicitas, & M. Samers (Eds.), Cities, Migrationa and governance Beyond Scales and Levels. (1st ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Caglar, A., Ray Chaudhury, S. B., & Samaddar, R. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Sites of Statelessness: Laws, Cities, Seas. State University of New York Press (SUNY Press).
Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Situating Global Warring in Neoliberal Conjuncture. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology Vol. Special Issue
Knoll, C., Koesten, L., Rigoni, I., Vulliémoz, S., & Möller, T. (2024). Tensions between Preference and Performance: Designing for Visual Exploration of Multi-frequency Medical Network Data.
Cefalo, R., Scandurra, R., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2024). Territorial Configurations of School‐to‐Work Outcomes in Europe. Politics and Governance.
Färber, A. (2024). The Making of (Post)Colonial World's Fairs: Coping with the Duress of the Past in Today's Representational Work. RIHA-Journal, 0300(0312).
Caglar, A. (2024). Transnational Migration. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Schuster, R. M. V., Gregory, K., Möller, T., & Koesten, L. (Accepted/In press). “Being Simple on Complex Issues” – An Expert View on Visual Data Communication of Climate Change.,
Ramsauer, M., & Caglar, A. (2023). Den Glauben glaubhaft machen. IWM Post. Magazine of the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen / Institute for Human Sciences, (132), 14.
Färber, A., & Derwanz, H. (2023). Multiplicity of encounters. On the encounter capacity of public space using the example of HafenCity, Hamburg. Journal for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis (JEECA), 6(2), 159-181.