
Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 445
Franz, Y., & Strüver, A. (2021). Der Alltag (in) der Stadtgeographie: Relationale Perspektiven auf Raum und Quartier. In R. Kogler, & A. Hamedinger (Eds.), Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung

Plant, C., Ottley, A., Gou, L., Möller, T., Perer, A., Lex, A., & Shao, J. (2021). VDS'21: Visualization in Data Science. In KDD 2021 - Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 4149-4150). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Sahann, R., Möller, T., Schmidt, J., & Gajic, I. (2021). Selective Angular Brushing of Parallel Coordinate Plots. Paper presented at Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2016), Zürich, Switzerland.

Ling, M., Chen, J., Möller, T., Isenberg, P., Isenberg, T., Sedlmair, M., Laramee, R. S., Shen, H.-W., Wu, J., & Giles, C. L. (2021). Document Domain Randomization for Deep Learning Document Layout Extraction.

Cetin, A., Möller, T., & Torsney-Weir, T. (2021). CorpSum: Towards an Enabling Tool-Design for Language Researchers to Explore, Analyze and Visualize Corpora. Paper presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021, Yokohama, Japan.

Chen, J., Ling, M., Li, R., Isenberg, P., Isenberg, T., Sedlmair, M., Möller, T., Laramee, R. S., Shen, H.-W., Wünsche, K., & Wang, Q. (2021). VIS30K: A Collection of Figures and Tables from IEEE Visualization Conference Publications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 27(9), 3826-3833.

Caglar, A. (2021). Afterword. Manuscript in preparation.

Caglar, A. (2021). City as Method. In Displacements and Dispossessions. (Vol. 58)

Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 445